I am working with the 5th grade students to create a mosaic planter box. I asked the entire class at my daughters school and was only able to get 9 kids out of about 86 to sign up! We have met for 3 sessions so far and the number has dwindled down to 6 but they are very hard working kids.
So far they have participated in the design of the box, were taught how to cut glass (with gloves and safety goggles on) and have been working on small pieces of mesh to work on their individual areas. The school has a 9 pointed star as the symbol so each child is mosaicing their own star and I plan to place their picture in the middle. The junior high mascot is a dragon so the bottom of the box will have a dragon covering 3 sides.
I went to Home Depot today to ask them if they could help us out by donating some of the supplies. They were so generous and donated the wood, which they cut to the size I needed, and some corner molding to trim the outside of the box with. I also got some latex paint and silicone caulk to seal the inside of the box with.
I will seal the wood and assemble the box and then when the kids come over during spring break we will get as much done as possible. Soccer and baseball and whatever else will be starting soon and then it will be really hard to organize more meetings.